By department



You handle sensitive information on a daily basis, and you need to work with it fast, as you analyse liabilities, negotiate contracts, and provide crucial guidance on corporate governance. You need best-in-class productivity tools with the highest standards of data security, ready to collaborate in a trusted environment.

Why Oodrive

Find documents
in an instant

Instantly find documents for audits and compliance with centralised, searchable file storage. Automated workflows ensure clear oversight on the lifecycle of contracts, signalling expiry dates and more.

Manage mergers &

Collaborate at speed on sensitive content in a trusted environment that protects the confidentiality required by all parties for work on mergers and acquisitions.

Protect intellectual

Defend data from external threats and leaks, including patents, trade secrets, and privileged business information.

Manage long-term
data lifecycles

Satisfy regulatory requirements for data retention and access such as legal holds and e-discovery. Ensure against accidental deletion, and enable permanent data disposal within defined rules, including the GDPR “right to be forgotten”.

begins with trust

Find out how your business can secure sensitive content, without slowing down work.
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