A simple, stress-free solution
Distributing documents ahead of board meetings is essential for corporate governance, but managing confidential hard copies has long been a challenge. For the Orange Belgium remuneration committee, documents were sent in an email attachment days ahead of board meetings, and a 30-page paper bundle of the same material was distributed on the day itself. But sending digital copies to external servers created potential security issues and did not give Orange Belgium the ability to track usage. In addition, presenting two copies of the documents could lead to confusion and frustration if changes were made to files before printing.
“The executive assistant found it stressful to print and send these bundles,” says Jacquet. “These documents are highly confidential; they cannot linger on a printer or sit on a desk. If the paper jams in the printer, who can you call to get it out?”
Oodrive Meet delivers a single version of documents to board members at the click of a button, with confidentiality assured by ultra-secure infrastructure and forensic usage tracking. “If there is a change in the documentation after we send it out, we can send everyone the edit in a very clean, clear way,” says Jacquet. “It’s easy to manage, so that everybody has access to the latest version.” Instead of printing hundreds of sheets of paper for every meeting, Orange Belgium presents the documentation in one, easy-to-access online location, so that board members have everything at hand and searchable, the moment they need it.
“My favourite thing about Oodrive Meet is the feedback from my assistant,” says Jacquet. “She is over the moon not to have to go through the stress of printing confidential documents. She wins back half a day of work, not to mention peace of mind.”